Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ever Had A Week

Have you ever had a week where you just wished you would have stayed in bed? Here are just some tidbits of what happened this week:

*Tried to make dinner yesterday and it just all went horribly wrong. (Under cooked chicken and bad cheese) So wrong we threw it out. Gross.
*Bella ate some of the carpet in the living room. The living room in the house we are trying to sell. Awesome.
*Job situation is deteriorating. And that is all I will say about that! Blah.
*Burned hashbrowns at breakfast.(Not sure how I managed that). Gross.
*I had to get my H1N1 shot. Glad to have it, but not so glad to actually get a shot. Ouch.
*The dogs proceeded to kill all the stuffed animals that were won in Canada (a week ago) and pull all the guts out and left them all over the newly cleaned house. Super.
*The boxes I got to pack with are too square for a lot of the stuff I need to pack. Geez.
*Discovered that the sausage patties and the chicken breasts were freezer burned. Gross.
*We have no milk, butter, katchup, bread, paper, any fruit or veggies, lunch supplies, etc. Need to go to the store, but don't feel like spending the money. Lame.
*Went to go play with Hunter and I bent down as he came up under my jaw and cracked my teeth together. Hit so hard it made my eyes water. He has a big hard head. Ouch.
*A house we wanted doesnt have doors and corners wide enough for our large furniture. Blah.
*I hate doing the dog's nails. And they hate having their nails done. It's a mutual hatred that leaves me upset everytime I do it. And today was the day. Tear.
*Jesse is trying to sell the TVs - and has had several people interested. Today, someone came over and then left without the TV because they didnt understand what 'rear-projection' meant. Lame.
*One of the dogs drank water too fast and puked water/slime all over the floor. Gross.
*The laboratory just got an inspection. We did great and the lab bought the employees sub sandwiches. Which was a very nice idea. However, I am kinda sandwich picky and had to discard a bunch of the yucko veggies. And then I got to the soggy bread... I dont do soggy bread. Gross.
*I have started coughing again. Blah.
*My great-grandmother in Minnesota passed away this morning. WORST.

Now, I know that a lot of these things are pretty trivial and dumb, but it just seemed to all add up. And Grandma passing was not a good way to end the day. I will really really miss her.
Hope everyone else's week was better. I need puppy breath. Anyone care to send some my way?


Shep said...

Aw man... that's just lousy run. I'm so sorry. I didn't know if you were back yet, but I will get the job-site from Matt and get it to you guys.

Caleb and Simon send kisses. Caleb's a good kisser - well, at least he thinks so. :D

Dune Cardigans said...

I think Bella thinks he is a good kisser too! Yes, we are back. ;)

Storm Ridge Cardigans said...

I am so sorry for the week you had, the last bit being the worst by far. you have our sincere condolences.

Kady Cannon said...

That is a pretty rotten week, but look on the bright side: nobody ATE any of the stuffing from the toys, right?

Ask Alice about that . . .

Dune Cardigans said...

Yeah! There is usually a bright side. I wouldnt doubt that they did eat some. I find odd things while picking up poo, but at least no one needs surgery! I am glad Alice is doing ok too.

Lybertygirl said...

What an awful week - Sending you puppy breath from the WWII litter.

Kaci Johanna said...

Awww Yo, I'm sorry! I have had days... weeks... even months like that. Yuck. I don't have any puppies to send to you but I have kiitttteensssss.... :)

Emily said...

So sorry...definitely seen weeks like that before. Can I send hopeful future puppy breath? ;-)

Dune Cardigans said...

Thanks guys. Today was pretty decent. You just have to hope the bad stuff moves on quickly and the good stuff stays put!
Let's hope the rotten luck/juju/karma has passed in time for the dog show next weekend. ;)