Saturday, March 19, 2011

Seattle Show

Seattle KC Results:
Saturday March 12, 2011
Judge Honey Ann Glendinning
Dunes Not All Treasure Is Silver And Gold "Token" - WD for a 4 pt major
Aurigan MP Primary Attraction "Phantom" - WB/BOW for a 4 pt major - finishing her Ch.
Am/Can Ch. Aurigan Dunes Celestine Blue "Bella" - BOS for more GCH points

Sunday March 13, 2011
Judge Kenneth Buxton
Dunes Not all Tresure Is Silver And Gold "Token" - WD/BOW for a 3 point major
Aurigan Mantle Strikes Again "Desi" - WB for 2 points
NEW Ch. aurigan MP Primary Attraction "Phantom" - SB for her first GCH points
Am/Can Ch. Aurigan Dunes Celestine Blue "Bella" - BOS for more GCH points

Good weekend for the Aurigan/Dune/Fogcatcher crew.

On the home front: we still have snow at the house. Which is putting a serious cramp in my plans for a garden this year. Might end up being a late summer garden...

On to Nationals!!! I am very excited to see old friends and meet new ones this year.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Canada Results

Pot Of Gold show, Cloverdale, BC

02/27/11 Judge Lesley Hiltz

Dunes Not All Treasure Is Silver And Gold - Best Of Breed, Best Of Winners, Best Puppy, Best Puppy In Herding Group and a Herding Group 3 win - 5 points
Aurigan Mantle Strikes Again - Winners Bitch, Best Opposite, Best Bred By Exhibitor - 2 points
Aurigan Dunes Celestine Blue - Reserve Winners Bitch

02/28/11 Judge Thomas Alexander
Ch. Aurigan Dunes National Treasure - Best Of Breed
Aurigan Dunes Celestine Blue - Winners Bitch, Best Opposite, Best Bred By Exhibitor - 2 points
Aurigan Mantle Eye Candy - Reserve Winners Bitch
Bella is now a Canadian Champion!
Token is currently ranked #1 Cardigan in Canada, #7 Herding Puppy (tied for)
It was quite a weekend! Now I have to go back to spend my loonies ;)