Friday, April 16, 2010

Little Sausages

Belly up to the bar kidsL to R Spiral, Joker, Percy Jackson, Fate, Wisteria, Tarot, Jaina
At the bar - L to R Joker, Wisteria, Percy Jackson
Snuggled up - Jaina and Spiral
L to R Tarot, Jaina, Fate, Spiral, Joker, Wisteria, Percy Jackson
LE is such a pretty momma - you can see how her brindling isnt very defined. I think Fate's brindling will be like this. Tarot and Wisteria have lots of stripes, and Spiral and Joker will look like Hunter with very few stripes. Their colors will change some, but I have never seen a brindle lose it's stripes!
I think I am pretty darn good at telling black from super dark brindle now at birth! Lots of practice with this litter.


Jeri said...

Lovely, fat little babies! Good girl LE.

Shep said...

Little pudge pots!!

Wow, lots of flash on this crew!

They're quite rotund, aren't they! Hope things are going better now, too... :)